RPM2018 – Day Five

Disappointing day for me today. I made myself get up early so that I could take advantage of the small window of time that being the last one out of my house each day gives me. I was shooting for an hour, but it was more like 20 minutes. Oh well. I tried to write and record lyrics and vocals for song . I couldn’t come up with anything. I was totally blank. I couldn’t even find a good pitch to start singing on. It was weird. That sort of thing never happens. I brought up song #2 and I was able to hum a melody but I was still blank on lyrics.

That’s all I have managed to accomplish today. Kinda sad. I’ll try and get up early to give myself another crack at it tomorrow, but it’s really late now and I need some sleep. I expect getting up 60-90 minutes early is going to be difficult tomorrow. We will see.